In La Vita Nuova Dante claimed that, when he looked upon love of his life, Beatrice Portinari, he was seeing the divine through her. Beatrice also serves as the symbol for salvation in The Divine Comedy. We here at The Lover’s Compendium say it’s high time we bring this kind of attitude back into modern thought.
The world is in desperate need of salvation. The Virginia Tech. shootings killed over thirty people on Monday. At the college where I work, it has also been a bad week. Somebody was beaten to death outside a bar last weekend. Yesterday, we lost a student in a motorcycle accident. The news from Iraq continues to get worse every day. All over the world men are shooting, stabbing, and exploding themselves and each other. How long will it be until we are all gone at this rate? What we need now is a return to spiritual values. I’m not talking about a return to Christianity, Islam, or misc. They have failed us. The God of these religions, if he exists, has shown himself to be nothing more than a petty tyrant with the temperament of a poorly raised child.

The world may fight over many things, but don't we all agree that women are beautiful। So let’s turn this thing around. Look around yourself. Chances are there is a beautiful woman near you right now. Turn off the computer. Get up from your table. Go tell her how wonderful she is. Make the world a better place.
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